Dear Parents and Teachers,

This is the first post for the Examhelper  blog.  It has been a rewarding experience making this website and I hope that parents and teachers find the site useful.

Examhelper is a website aimed at parents of ICSE students. Currently the material covered is for Grade 1 only; however, new content will be added regularly.  Also the blog will provide updates on content additions, website references and other useful material.

While making this website I learnt a few things myself.  People say after a certain age ( I certainly feel old with two boys bouncing around) it is difficult to learn new things.  However, if you just keep at it, you do learn them eventually, might just take longer. I learnt to type Hindi using an English Keyboard, found new ways to include pictures in documents (tedious business).   And believe me making a website using this tool ( is a piece of cake, though you need to use the trial and error method to learn.  Thanks to for providing such a great tool.

I would like to thank my husband for encouraging me.  The Homepage is his creation.  And last but not least, would like to mention Aryan my son, for whom this endeavour began!

I look forward to your encouragement and also contributions you wish to make to the material.  Recommend the site to parents and teachers you know who would be interested and would find it useful.
